Back ground: High fat diet associated obesity associating losing of body organs structure and function is of important public health problem. The heart and lungs represent the main organs of supplying oxygen, nutrients and nutritive molecules necessary for the body function. Little of work is concerned with higher fat diet associated myocardial and lung damage. Also, the bovine whey is rich in micronutrients with biological and medicinal activity. The present study aimed to illustrate the role of whey in ameliorating the damaged effects of higher fat diet on both heart and lung.
Methods: In the present study, one hundred and twenty fertile male and virgin female rat (Rattus norvegicus) weighing approximately 100-110g. body weight at ratio of 1 male/3 females. The experimental group fed on a high fat diet (15% fat) was carried out for 4months prior to mating. After allowing feeding on either standard or a higher fat diet for 4months, mating of virgin females were s carried out at evening and examining the sperm in vaginal sperm in the next morning and determined the onset of gestation. The pregnant categorized into four groups; control, whey supplemented group (Orally administered 1mL3), a high fat diet and a combined high fat diet and whey supplementation. At 21days-post-partum, the pregnant were sacrificed and their lung and heart were separated and fixed in 10 percent neutral buffered formalin. Histological sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin as well as immunohistochemically with p53, caspase, COX and iNOS were carried out.
Results: The present findings revealed that high fat diet induced myocardial damage with apparent fragility of the myocardial fibers, hyalinization and necrosis of myocardial fibers. Over expression of caspase 3 immunostaing and increased collagen deposition in between the myocardium was observed after masson-trichrome staining. Also, the lung tissues explained interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration with apparent fibrosis and losing alveolar spaces. The inflamed lung tissues possessed over expression of the immunostaining of COX-2, INOS and caspase 3. However, whey supplementation to the inflamed lung exhibited marked improvement and decreased expression of the assessed immunostaing.
Conclusion: Finally the authors concluded that whey contains several bioactive nutrients which facilitated reduction of the oxidative stress and supplied antioxidant components which scavenge the free radicals and ameliorated the damage associated with dietary supplementation of fat diet.
Published on: Feb 28, 2020 Pages: 1-8
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DOI: 10.17352/sscrt.000014
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