As they grow up, adolescents need and require age-appropriate and culturally sensitive sexuality education in order to provide them with the knowledge and skills that make them able to navigate safely through the critical phase of adolescence. However, many young people in many parts of the world are inadequately prepared to make proper decisions and choices. A large number of them lack the accurate knowledge and proper skills that help them adopt safe and healthy lifestyles and sexual practices.
Findings from a desk review of a number of sexuality education programs across the globe indicate that there has been persistent and wide debate around this issue in many communities around the globe. The controversy is mainly due to socio-cultural sensitivity or lack of political will.
The Arab World has distinctive conservative trends and attitudes dictated by deeply engraved cultural beliefs. For centuries, the issue of sexuality has been considered a taboo, shameful, “haram”, and sore issue. It is not to be discussed in public, with young people, and in the media. This attitude is adopted by all members of the community whether policy-makers or the public. Consequently, many young Arabs are kept in the dark and do not receive accurate information that would help protect them and make them able to make responsible decisions and choices
Certain actions are suggested to be taken during the design and implementation of the sexual education programs that could ease out the sensitivities around the issue, make them more appealing to all stakeholders, and ensure that no one is left behind.
Published on: Mar 9, 2024 Pages: 14-18
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DOI: 10.17352/ijsrhc.000043
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