Diabetes-related complications affect all body organ systems, including the penis. Diabetes-induced erectile dysfunction (ED) is caused by neuropathy of the penile nerves and vasculopathy of the smooth muscle and endothelium corpus cavernosum. To present an overview of Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) research in diabetic animal models of ED, focusing on the function, signaling, and niches that have a prominent role in the regeneration of cavernosal cells and restoration of penile tissues. We highlight common erectile pathologies caused by diabetes and review relevant preclinical trials. We also discuss paracrine mechanisms of various MSC therapies involved in the repair of endothelial cells and cavernous nerves in these diabetic models. A PubMed search was performed, with dates ranging from inception until November 20, 2019. This review provides a comprehensive evaluation of the various strategies that have been investigated for improving MSC delivery methods, through preclinical literature and published clinical trials regarding ED in men with diabetes. MSC-type applications have been beneficial to erectile function in diabetic models of ED. This review examines the progress and remaining challenges in diabetes-related SC research regarding ED. Moving forward, it is only with a combined effort of basic biology and translational work that the potential of MSC-based therapies in diabetes can be realized.
Published on: May 5, 2021 Pages: 1-11
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DOI: 10.17352/sscrt.000017
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