Back ground: Diabetes Mellitus is a public health problem associated with increased maternal blood sugar level and impair insulin secretion leading to complication of pregnancy and retarded placental development. Maternal diabetes developed premature term and mortalities of their child. The alterations of placental spiral artery during the progress of diabetes paid attention and little of work is concerned with this public health problem. The traditional increase of phytotherapy especially pomegranate peel extract and bee venom therapy encourage author to carry out this study in spiral artery of placenta at 14days of pregnancy in order to clarify the best choice of improvement the histological picture of the spiral artery.
Methods: Thirty six pregnant rats were used in the present study and arranged into 6 groups (n=6); control (saline-treated), pomegranate peel-extract (), bee venom-treatment (i.p. 0.12mg/kg body weight, single dose), diabetes (Single i.p. inection of streptozotocin (60mg/kg in citrate buffer pH 4.5 plus 100mg/kg nicotinamide). diabetic and pomegranate and diabetic and bee venom-treatment. Pregnant were anaesthetized followed by cervical dislocation and dissection at 14days of gestation. Placenta were removed and immediately fixed in 10% phosphate buffered formalin pH 7.4 and processed for histological examination and decidual spiral artery was investigated.. Immunohistochemistry with caspase 3 to observe the degree of cell death.
Results: The present results showed that diabetic placenta of mother rats possessed abnormal shrinked spiral artery with damaged endothelial lining and collagen genesis in the outer covering sheath. There was a detected increase of immunohistochemical reaction of caspase 3. Mother received pomegranate peel extract exhibited a considerable improved with slightly immunohistochemical reaction, compared to slightly altered spiral artery of placenta of diabetic mother received bee venom-treatment. Moderate immunohistochemical reaction of caspase 3 was observed.
Conclusion: The author finally concluded that administration of pomegranate juice as a natural product may give sufficient antioxidant materials needed for improved diabetic complication of the placenta.
At the same time, bee venom therapy with complete supervision of physicians had to be done carefully.
Published on: Dec 27, 2019 Pages: 7-11
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DOI: 10.17352/sscrt.000013
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